Narrow Your Niche to Win More Work as a Solopreneur

Narrow Your Niche to Win More Work as a Solopreneur

Many solopreneurs make the mistake of marketing themselves as a jack-of-all-trades. They think that putting themselves out there with a variety of services and expertise means they’ll be hired for more work. The exact opposite is true.

Being memorable generates referrals and credibility. This is why you want to be “The Person” to talk to for a given situation. Think of it from your potential client’s perspective. If someone is going to spend tens of thousands of dollars, they want to hire an expert, not someone who has “done something sort of like it,” or “done it once or twice,” or who may be able to help them. They want to hire a specialist and you want to be that person.

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As a Solopreneur, Don’t be #OpenToWork on LinkedIn. Do this instead!

As a Solopreneur, Don’t be #OpenToWork on LinkedIn. Do this instead!

If you provide services to companies as an independent consultant or to business professionals as an executive coach, you should be using LinkedIn to help build your business. It’s an excellent tool to establish your credibility, create awareness about your expertise and services, expand your network, and of course, keep in touch with your existing connections to help foster referrals. Although it’s a terrific platform, using LinkedIn effectively is getting more complicated as new features and tools are added. This article discusses two of the more recent LinkedIn tools that can be used as a solopreneur to help drive awareness of your services and build your pipeline of prospects.

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What Clients Look for When Hiring a Solopreneur

What Clients Look for When Hiring a Solopreneur

After decades of working with some of the worlds’ best consultants, coaches, and solopreneurs, I’ve assembled a list of qualities that contribute to their success. You don’t need to check all these boxes, but if any strike a chord with you, weave them into your marketing, such as your website, LinkedIn profile, presentations, and proposals.

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